We have a home......
Now back in Canada and with the hand-over of the keys to our house in Parksville imminent, the order of the day was to acquire something to sit on and something to eat off. I was duly dispatched, off island to visit a large Swedish furniture manufacturer, the name of which rhymes with the forename of Tina Turners’ first husband and the listening appendage annexed to the side of ones’ head. This feat of furniture acquisition and relocation was facilitated by our friends at U-Haul in the shape of a 15-foot truck. Not generally accustomed to driving a truck, the first half hour made me feel like a protagonist from the 1970’s action comedy ‘Smokey & the Bandit’. Needless to say, this was short-lived. To cut a long, hot & mildly tedious day short; Ikea was braved, a B.C ferries All-Aboard breakfast was consumed on the way out and a B.C Ferries burger was consumed on the way back and I was back on island by nightfall. That, my friends, is what they call, living the good life…. maybe….possibly not.
Key day arrived bright and early next morning and as we were moving in that day, I was reconciled to enjoy a day of flat-packed furniture ‘heaven’. Resolved to remain chipper, I set about the task of putting together all manner of furniture, including 2 sofas, a large dining table, 8 chairs, 3 side tables, 3 sets of drawers……. I could go on, but the onerous list, even as I write this, is making me feel utterly weary. The tedium was somewhat alleviated by our kindly neighbor popping over, introducing himself and brandishing what I now know to be ‘Timbits’. Most welcome under the circs. Next up was popping over to Denman Island to get something to sleep on and setting up the house in such a way, that when Albie-Jack (our youngest) arrived from grandma’s, he would feel at home. The coffee shop was plodding along nicely and being left in safe hands by Sarah and Co., this enabled us to concentrate on the task of getting our house in a somewhat livable state, at the very least.
As the daylight was fading and Albie-Jack had enjoyed the new bath tub and was safely ensconced in his new bed and sleeping like the proverbial baby, we raised a weary glass to our new home and fell into bed ourselves and slept soundly.